The birth of a baby is a very exciting time in one’s life. It is also a time filled with many questions and decisions. It is very empowering when you feel informed and confident to make your own choices. Taking a birthing class will help you and your partner feel more comfortable and prepared when the time comes to bring your little one into this world. It is also fun to meet other expectant parents on the same journey! Birthing classes are educational, hands-on, fun, and create a sense of community and camaraderie.

In this class you will learn:

  • Postpartum, Labor and delivery
  • When to come to the hospital
  • Comfort measures
  • Partner support
  • Pain management
  • Facts about epidurals
  • Induction of labor
  • Cesarean birth
  • Recovery
  • Breast and bottle-feeding information
  • How to prepare for the early weeks

Visit our about me page to learn about your teacher. If you have any question Contact us.

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Normal Covid guidelines and protocols are followed. If anyone has had any symptoms or been exposed, they will kindly be asked to reschedule for everyone’s safety.