Exciting News!! BirthingToBaby is now partnering with CBR to help support new parents interested in Cord Blood Banking!
Your baby’s umbilical cord is made up of tissue and contains blood. Both cord blood and cord tissue are rich sources of powerful stem cells being researched for their ability to act like our body’s own personal repair kit and may be able to help our bodies heal in new ways. Plus, cord blood stem cells are currently used in transplant medicine to regenerate healthy blood and immune systems.
Cord Blood Banking is a great opportunity to plan for the future! It is a noninvasive procedure where the cells can be collected and protected whole to be safeguarded from damage. These are fresh “newborn cells”, unharmed, and well preserved! They can also be shared with siblings, family members and parents etc.
In partnership with BirthingToBaby, CBR is offering special pricing to make sure that cord blood banking is attainable to everyone and anyone interested. Please reach out for more information.
CBR and BirthingToBaby are also raffling off one FREE kit AND one FREE baby monitor a month to anyone attending a BIRTHINGTOBABY class!
So register today!!!!!
BirthingToBaby #: (248) 514-4936
CBR hotline #: (888) 546.2167